Sunday, 11 March 2007

i finally caved...

and bought a toaster oven.

i know it seems silly with less than six months left here, but it just makes life so much easier... my apartment doesn't have an oven, since it doesn't have a regular stove. i only have a two spot gas range... so, no oven... but now i am the proud owner of this:
and at only 26,000W (~30$cad) it was a steal! just try to find one that cheap in canada!!! anyway, i figure i can sell it when i leave... and if no one wants it then it'll be a nice gift to one of my co-teachers.

can you tell i had a boring weekend? the highlight is a small kitchen appliance. i spent my weekend in solitary relaxation... i just didn't feel like going out to the bar and getting home at 5am... maybe next weekend...

1 Comment:

Travelling Chick said...

toaster ovens rule!!! so glad you've come over to the dark side...dave and I have actually begun to do roasted potatoes in the thing! only take an hour and a half but what else are you doing on a sunday afternoon? we also had a relaxing quiet one as our week is going to be kindy classes and very few breaks..ugg..