Friday, 10 November 2006

happy pepero day!

well, it's actually tomorrow - november 11th - and while canadians are remembering our fallen heros, the koreans are celebrating the most commercial holiday that exists (as far as i can tell). "pepero day" has absolutely no historical value, doesn't commemorate anything special, and isn't an actual "off work" kind of holiday. pepero day was invented by the Lotte corporation and is a day where kids give other kids pepero. pepero is long stick-like cookies covered in chocolate... sometime with almonds (green box below) and sometimes not. now, you're supposed to only give pepero on this day, but lots of other chocolate gets thrown into the mix... i even found a box of Mr. Big "Canadian Teens Favourite Candy Bar" !!! sorry no pic, but i did get some and they were good! i gave pepero to a couple of teachers and these are what i got in return:mmm... yummy. the middle box was from a student... they're all right as far as candy goes, but nothing that special really, i suppose that's why they had to invent a day to sell them!

stay tuned, i'm off to the Beomeo Temple in Busan tomorrow so there should be something interesting here soon!