Monday, 2 October 2006

more prezzies...

well, Jay surprised me and brought over this Chusoek gift pack - more dove products! this one is bigger than the other, and has hand and nail cream - exactly what i need - my cuticles have been fucked since i got here, i forgot to bring my cuticle repair stuf with me... so this is actually really great... i feel awful now for thinking that he just didn't think about it. anyway, he came over and we worked on the lesson and talked about communication - or the lack thereof, and i guess this is a good sign... now i won't need toothpaste forever either! yay!

1 Comment:

Liza said...

hey liz! i'm all caught up on your blog - thanks for linking to mine! it looks like ppl really like Dove products there - lucky you!
i'm glad you found some nachos...i don't know if i could live without those...mind sending me some sushi over here? :)
anyways keep posting and i'll keep reading!!!