Thursday, 21 December 2006

taking care of business

i'm feeling a lot better - both mentally and physically. i think that nasty cold i had was affecting my thought processes... as illness will do to you. i am now the proud owner (?) of a racking cough, but my head is clear and i have energy enough to get things done.

in light of this renewed energy i have cleaned my apartment from top to bottom in anticipation of kat and deb's arrival tomorrow. can't have guests over to a pig sty! which led me to thinking about how much easier it is to clean your bathroom when your shower is the whole room. don't know if i've talked about this before, but i love this aspect of my apartment (aside from not having a bath tub). you just scrub it all down and point the shower head where you want to rinse... no more pesky wiping down every surface! it's great!

i've signed up for technorati - a website that logs blogs - i guess. i'm number 415,575! i'm not sure what that is out of, but just thought i'd share it with you. for more info on technorati click the link at the bottom of the menu on the right.

my stats are steadily rising. i've had 1091 visitors since november 16th! that's about a thousand a month... pretty insane... i wonder who you all are. there are people from: Canada (i hope!), USA, UK, Australia, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Phillipines, Netherlands, and Italy. i don't know how often it updates, cause there used to be other countries listed there too. i find it really weird that Korea isn't listed since i know people here who read this blog... hmmm... anyway, the top keyword search for my blog is "documentarist" but number two, and this is the funny part, is "saaq bourassa"! from those two posts i wrote about getting my drivers license in montreal... so weird! i'm not crazy about checking my stats, but it can be fun sometimes to see who's reading - and to know that people actually ARE! so thanks to all of you that do - you should post more comments!!!

on another weird note, i met a fellow blogger for the first time yesterday. i know, i know, lots of people have blogs, but we met in the blogosphere first... i found his blog on the net a while ago and have been reading it ever since... he recently linked to me too... (an american in geoje - see right) and yesterday we both ended up at the provincial foreign teacher winter training meeting in changwon. hi josh! anyway, just a funny coincidence - and one that i never expected to happen... what a small world.

well that's all the business that i have other than to say happy holidays to all... if you are in my heart i'll be thinking of you on christmas - you know who you are... if you haven't heard from me in a while, drop me a line! love to the fam, friends, and the world at large!

1 Comment:

Liza said...

Have a Merry Christmas, Liz! I'll eat some turkey for you!