Thursday, 22 June 2006


well, i'm back on my feet again - sort of. it seems that my back is improving daily, but it seems like a slow uphill battle. i'm so bored of staying in the house - and this one of the nicest times of year in Montreal. BUT, i am getting better, that's the important part. a dull throbbing has replaced the constant electric shock that was darting through my spine and down my leg - this is, of course, good news, but i am still confined to resting for most of the day as even the smallest wrong move brings back the severe pain. maybe the pain killers are just doing their job now? anyway, slowly but surely i am getting better and my spirits are rising.

had to go for a blood test today. my doctor LOVES giving blood tests... i had tried to go the other day at the same time as my x-rays, but they stop taking blood at 11 am and i only got there around noon... so, i had to fast again and go today. the veins in my arms are teeny tiny and i often get a huge bruise that stays for weeks. i usually go to the Montreal general hospital and for some reason the technicians there ALWAYS find a vein and everything goes off without a hitch- and more often than not, i have no bruise when i go there. so as soon as the woman called my name this morning i blurted out "i bruise very easily, please be careful" she didn't seem to take very kindly to this and replied "we are always careful madame" but upon closer inspection of my arm - and the nonexistent veins she wasn't so sure anymore. she checked both arms, but decided to go with the left (where i now have a small purple spot that is quite sore). anyway, the only thing left now is for me to get the CAT scan done in July.

i finally received my drivers license - and i don't look like a convict in the picture, it's actually quite nice. i'm still amazed that i'm allowed to drive. excited and scared that a small piece of plastic gives me such power and freedom... i wish i had done it years ago.

i emailed the Korean embassy on Monday and received a prompt reply on tuesday advising me that i would only find out on July 14th if i go the job with EPIK. so there you have it, my life in a few lines... keep your fingers crossed, with any luck i'll be on an airplane to South Korea in less than two months!