Tuesday, 2 October 2007

a month is too long...

So sorry it's been so long since my last post... I guess I just haven't felt like there has been anything interesting to put here. I've been back in the Montreal region for a month now and I will hopefully be getting out of here in the next month! Destination: England.

I'm working on getting my visa right now and then I just have to wait. They've told me the turn around is about 10 days... not sure if that's working days or not, but it probably is.

So that's the plan.

Other than that, I've been playing house with Alexia out in Otterburn Park, about an hour outside of Montreal. It's nice sometimes, but I miss the city and all the conveniences that come with it. I feel very isolated out here.

Being home is strange. It isn't really "home" anymore. It just a place that I know really well, and I'm ready to experience new things, not the same old, same old. Keep your fingers crossed for me and I promise lots of exciting tales from the UK and Europe...

I promise to write again soon... I still have to finish the Tales of Thailand... I have one more post on that and I haven't yet written about my travels from Korea to Canada... but maybe that's a story better left untold, we'll see.