Friday, 16 February 2007

school's out

yesterday was the last day of the school year. see posts below for what i think of the korean school year... i just thought since today was pretty chill (went to school for a couple of hours, then to the gym, then watched the latest episode of lost) that i'd post a few pictures of my school... since i spend so much time there... here it is:

my school from the entrance. it looks nicer than it is! they're big into the landscaping though... so it can be very pretty when all the plants are actually green and growing.
my shoe locker. we all have to take off our shoes when we enter the school, so we have lockers for our 'outdoor' shoes. i also have a pair of school shoes inside.
the front entrance from the side. the principals' office is in the windows on the first floor on the right... the teachers office is right on top.
a typical hallway. the boxes on the left are the students shoes lockers... they have to walk through the school with no shoes on to get to their school shoes. some of them just wear slippers or socks, though this is probably against school rules.
my "english only zone" - just about everything i put up has now been torn down by uunruly students who hate english. it's great to be me! the vice principal will probably make me do it all over again when the new year starts. he tries to get me to go sit there and talk to students. the problem with that is that they only ever go hang out there when i'm not there!

so there's a bit of my school. one of the things i had to get used to was that students don't change classes. kind of like elementary school in north america. they have their room and they stay there - the teachers have to go from class to class. i think it would be a lot easier if i had a class room that i could make my "english only zone"... oh well... hope you enjoyed the quick tour.

this weekend in lunar new year - i'll post something about it soon... what is it? who celebrates it? what does it mean for koreans? etc...

1 Comment:

katrina said...

heya, in the new schools that they're building, they put a special "English Cafe" room in - there's one in Hogye Middle School, and it's a sweet deal - computers at every group of desks that can be controlled by the teacher's computer at the front, as well as loads of other crazy technology. I am so so so jealous of that lovely room!