Friday, 18 September 2009

uh, sorry.

I suppose I should have written something here in the last nine or ten months. Lazy? Bored? Uninterested? All of the above? I guess some and all of those and much more. Hopefully I will start writing again... I just kind of fell out of it, really... I probably don't even have any followers out there anymore, so I'm not sure who I'm writing this for... myself?

Anyway, I'm sorry for falling off the face of the internet.

For now, have been listening to Amy Winehouse Back to Black on repeat... can't get enough of it... Her best song by far.

goodnight and good luck.

2 comments: said...

I keep on watching you on the net Lizzypooh! WOW, you post this today and I click on your site hoping you had something new... LOL We are sooo connected! Love ya... write up stories and post them here, even if they are not about you! xoxox

Anonymous said...

That IS funny that I happen to check your blog only a few days after your post. You should keep on writing on this thing... I loved it!!!! xoxox I miss you!!!