Sunday, 20 April 2008

a new job

I've been seriously ignoring this blog since I left Korea last year. It's disappointing since I was so stubborn about it while I was there. I imagined it would be similar here in England, but I have let myself, and you dear reader, down. So, I will apologise again, I'm sorry.

I guess I just haven't felt like I've been doing anything terribly interesting. Of course, I do things, but it's more like living life than anything to write home about.

I do have some big news though.

I applied and interviewed for a job way back in January but was only number two after the interviews were done. When they called me to tell me I didn't get it, (weird I didn't just get an email) I could hear the disappointment in the interviewers voice. He told me they were going with someone who had more "experience" - to me this meant that the other person knew how to edit with Avid where I only know Final Cut (thanks a lot ConU)... Anyway, he asked me if it would be okay to keep my details on file and to ring me if anything came up. Of course I said yes, but thought that was just something that employers say.

About a week after the interview I rang him back and asked him how I could get in to do some work experience (unpaid internship type work). He told me that was a brilliant idea and that he'd be in touch. A week or so passed and he called me back just to tell me that he was still checking it all out but that the guy he needed to talk to had been and was still on holiday. A few more weeks passed and I emailed him, he replied with "do you know how to use a video camera?" So I told him that I'd used a Sony PD 150/170 at school and was comfortable with a camera (still or video) in my hands. I didn't hear back from him for another week - in this biz people are busy, so I didn't push too much.

Finally about a month ago he emailed me to see when I'd be able to come in on a trial shift as a video journalist. We arranged that April 16th would be the day. Then he rang me the day I was leaving for Switzerland to ask me to go in on the weekend, but, of course, I would be away. He was okay with it and told me that we'd talk more before the trial shift.

I had a message on my mobile from him about a week and a half ago and thought that he wanted to arrange another shift or something. When I called him back he said, "the job you applied for is available". I replied "what do I need to do?" and he said, "say yes or no".

I was blown away! It was not what I was expecting AT ALL. Anyway, all that to say that starting in a week I am the new media co-ordinator at the Press Association.

I don't have an actual job description for you, but basically I'll be logging, archiving, and editing video. The video journalists (VJ) come in with their tape and I have to get it out to buyers - TV stations mostly, I think. The company is the UK's version of CP or Reuters, so it's a pretty big deal in the media world and the perfect first step in my career. There will be opportunity for me to get experience as a VJ, as well as learning other aspects of the business. There might be some writing that I can get involved in too. Anyway, it's perfect and of all the jobs that I've applied to in the UK, I wanted this one the most, so WOOHOO!!!

That's the big news of late... there are little things here and there, and again, I promise to write more often... please don't forget about me, dear reader, I haven't forgotten about you. :)


Anonymous said...

woooooot! I'm proud of you making your dream happen!
:-) kat. said...

Alright, go liz go! Soooo happy for you. You did it... never gave up and it happened. I wish you the best of luck and about this blog... don't be so hard on yourself. Whatever you add on this blog is always interesting and even if you don't post on a regular basis, your public will have to wait. ;-)
Love you